Delivery Times:

We understand you're eager to receive your Oz Essentialz purchases! We work diligently to expedite delivery and ensure your items arrive promptly.

Standard Delivery:

    • We primarily ship through Australia Post, Toll, Aramex Australia & New Zealand offering reliable and efficient service.
    • All orders enjoy complimentary standard delivery within Australia & New Zealand.
    • Please allow 2-10 business days for your order to arrive. In some cases, depending on courier schedules and remote locations, delivery may take up to 12 business days

Order Processing:

Orders typically take 24-48 hours to process for product verification, tailoring (if applicable), quality checks, and secure packaging. Please note that couriers may require up to 5 business days to update your tracking information. Rest assured, your order has been shipped!

Weekend Orders:

Orders placed after 2:00 PM on Fridays will be processed and dispatched on the following Monday.

Multiple Warehouse Shipping:

To ensure efficient inventory management, we utilise multiple warehouses within Australia and also globally including China. Occasionally, this may result in items within your order arriving at slightly different times. Rest assured, you will receive all items ordered.

Tracking Your Order:

Once your order ships, you will receive a tracking number via email. You can follow your package's journey through the respective courier's website or app.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your delivery, please don't hesitate to contact us. We're always happy to assist!